Saturday, October 28, 2006

Retreat Time

Many people would think that a retreat is boring. On the contrary, I just feel that its fun! Don't shoot me! We work like hell and so a retreat is a time that we share our experiences, happiness or unhappiness, ideas and wishes. Talk about team building and group work, I think my colleagues are a whole bunch who put effort to it and it shows that even we might be unhappy in some ways, we are also grateful in certain perspectives.

Human relationships are so important. A good listening ear and a supportive shoulder to lean on at times. Isn't it a way to make things work somehow? A few may not be able to tolerate in a certain degree. That's it! One would shout. Then think again, opportunities are all out there. If one way cannot be right, make that way to your advantage then. Twist and turn. Crash and burn. Alrighty, what am I saying here...

Anyways, I did not get to enjoy the early session of games. Yeah. Watersports and something adventurous. When was the last time I did that... Oh yeah... The paintball game! That was fun! I was really looking forward to some water games, the trust fall and some rock climbing... Too bad I was assigned to man the fort, so I joined my colleagues in the afternoon for lunch and followed by the main session of the retreat. We had skits and role-plays. Trying to put our concerns and some ideas across to our bosses. Hopefully to get some results in future.

Overall, it was fun. People are smart and sensitive. We are afterall, a whole bunch of lovely creatures who do care what you have got and what you would give! Treats or Tricks! What am I babbling again... Look forward to next year retreat. Am I the only person who enjoys this? Roll your eyes please!

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