Sunday, August 17, 2008

Very Stress !!!

I am very stressed. I feel that I can break down anytime from down. I have so many things in my head and everything is all so important. Starting on Monday, 18/8/08, my working place is having an international audit and this event is going to last for the whole week. I am feeling very uptight becasue I do not know if I will be called upon for interview. I have no idea. I thought I can just cross my fingers but I have another thing that is my group work facilitation exercise on Monday as well and I have no confident about presenting it. I am not sure if I can do it properly with my classmate. I think I maybe able to perform as the sole facilitator with a small group of people not more than five instead with a bigger group and with another co-facilitator. This whole thing is giving me cold feet. I cannot wait till it is all over and I can fully concentrate to do my other assignments. I think I am not meant to be a group facilitator. I cannot lead but I play a better team mate. Too bad, my classmate who is partnering with me does not feel that she is up to it either and she kind of 'leave everything to me' and she only wants to concentrate on her demonstration. Be it, I hope I can do it as it flows and I can learn a valuable lesson from there.

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