Thursday, May 03, 2007

More And More ... Pinkeye Attacks !!!

Since I have contacted the Pinkeye, also known as Conjuctivitis, I have been given three days medical leaves to rest at home. Not allowed to go out as advised by the doctor, the best is stay indoor to rest or do some indoor activites, at home. What choice do I get? I hope my colleagues would not be cursing me under their nose. Its already quite sad to be shortage of people around in the office and now my absence, not very motivating isnt it?

There are so many kinds of bacteria in the air and being unlucky when one got struck by it and the bacteria happily landed on your eye. Itchiness, irritation and pricky, suddenly the eye turned red and you can see a bloodshot one. Horrifying. Misery.

My Miserable Look !!!

I guess it all happened when I was at CDC (Communicable Disease Centre) last Saturday for a workshop on Personality Disorders. I spent the whole day there and nothing much to my eye but only it became teary at almost the end of the session. Its quite normal for my case when I stared at an object for too long. And I was not day-dreaming alright! Simply too engrossed with the interesting topics that the therapist had mentioned.

Sunday past with a little irritation which I appiled some eye lotion. And came Monday, it became more obvious and I had to see my company doctor after work. Since the next day was Labour Day, no work, the doctor did not give me any medical leave. Wednesday, no improvement at all. I went back to the company doctor again and he said that I needed about two weeks to recover! Oh Gosh! I started barginning and was ticked off. He said that unless I could guarantee that none of my colleagues would come in and see him for the same condition, as I would be the culprit! So I was given a three-day rest and I am here, trying to update my blog with all events that happened or going to be ... !!!

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