Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Late Happy New Year

How a Happy New Year.

Not so happy for me. So many things going on for the start. I just do not wish to list them all out. Or I may sound like a complaining queen, which Im not. Anyway, its already mid of Jan 2007, and there are a few unsettled events in my life which need some sorting out. Mainly family affairs and maybe some work related. Career progressing. I try not to give myself any pressure. Let my mind do whatever I am comfortable with. So hopefully, I can still be in my comfort zone for awhile.

Due to all unforeseen circumstances, my blood pressure hit an high note a few days ago. After calming down a little, Im hit with this bug. Sneezing and blowing nose all the way. Not very impressive, to have taken two days of medical leave in one week. Dang!

What can I do? Rest more, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegs. Hear all. Done that. Still cannot fight against the bugs when they decided to invade your immune system. I need more exercises.

I need to rest... in peace. Cheers.

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