Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One More Try

I have been spending hundred of hours reading people's blogs.
How about mine?

Well, I guess Im just too lazy to really get started. So I called this ONE MORE TRY. Hopefully I can get something out of my mind. Squeeze my brain juice to come out with something nice. Or at least.

We (human) are born to make mistakes. Major or minor is not that important. The consequences and the aftermaths, the responsibilities are the things that we should bear. Think again, if you know that what you going to do would become a major mistake, and you might not be able to answer for it, would you still take that step? Some people I have known would not ponder about it. They live by the moto, JUST DO IT. So what if the sky falls down on them, I would tell them to make sure they would not be crying or go away hiding. Or expect some other people to carry the baggages for them.

Many people walk around with a life, always thinking that it is meaningless. Or probably they have not been awake for a long time. Mistakenly doing things that are not important at all, or chasing after the wrong ones. So what is the purpose and meaning of having a life? Remember that we only live once. That does not mean we squander it away.

The society has been driving me increasingly insane. Having to know what should be done and what should not did not bother me too much now somehow. If I were to let them get into me, I might as well vanish from this earth sooner. Think about it again. Firstly, be responsible. Secondly, be purposeful. Thirdly, take it easy. Thats how I live my life to be, while I can. And pray religiously. He is watching somewhere.

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